
3 women involved in preventing ocean plastic pollution

Saturday, June 8th 2019 was World Oceans Day. This year’s theme, Gender and the Ocean, is an opportunity to explore the gender dimension of humankind’s relationship with the ocean.

That is why we have chosen to showcase the profiles of 3 women involved in preventing ocean plastic pollution, and with whom we collaborate @ConsultantSeas over our various assignments.

Each one of them is representing a different organization, and as such brings a different angle to the table of discussions: international sport event organization, NGO, and multinational company, all actors are engaged in the development of meaningful solutions to solve the issue.

Interviews will be released one at a time this week. We keep the names of our candidates a secret for now, but here is already the questionnaire we have submitted to them:

  1. Could you briefly present yourself? How does your job allow you to contribute to protecting the ocean?
  2. Which concrete solutions does your organization implement to solve the plastic pollution challenge?
  3. What would be, in your opinion, the solutions to implement in the near future to solve the issue at the pace and scale it requires?

See you tomorrow for our first portrait.

Happy World Oceans Day!


Update : Find the links to our three portraits below !