Profile n°1: Anne-Cécile Turner, The Ocean Race

To celebrate World Oceans Day 2019, we have chosen to highlight the profiles of 3 women involved in preventing ocean plastic pollution, and with whom we collaborate @ConsultantSeas over our various assignments. Our first invitee is Anne-Cécile Tuner, who leads the Sustainability Department at The Ocean Race. Anne-Cécile, the floor is yours! Could you briefly present yourself? How […]
3 women involved in preventing ocean plastic pollution

Saturday, June 8th 2019 was World Oceans Day. This year’s theme, Gender and the Ocean, is an opportunity to explore the gender dimension of humankind’s relationship with the ocean. That is why we have chosen to showcase the profiles of 3 women involved in preventing ocean plastic pollution, and with whom we collaborate @ConsultantSeas over our various assignments. […]