
The next generation of students is ready to face the greatest environmental challenges to come

ConsultantSeas attended the Carrefours HEC Carreer Fair last Thursday, Jan 23rd. The opportunity for us to see that the new generation of students is aware of global sustainability challenges and is willing to contribute to solving them.

The trend continues. Young graduates are increasingly seeking a first professional experience in a start-up or an SME rather than in a large organization. Several studies in 2017 and 2018 confirm this trend. More than ever, green and sustainability jobs are gaining momentum.

We were able to experience this from the inside during the day we spent on HEC Paris campus for the big career fair that was organized last Thursday Jan. 23rd. We were amazed at the level of interest generated by ConsultantSeas. A consultancy specialized in ocean sustainability is ultimately the combination of the desire for demanding, training and consulting jobs and the personal aspirations and convictions of these young people.

« I would like to work in the field of consulting but at the same time, I feel more and more concerned by environmental issues. ConsultantSeas seems to combine these two aspects”, one of them confides to me.

This change in mentality is a great signal for our planet and our ocean. If young talents begin their careers with the aim to contribute to improving our production and consumption models, then tomorrow’s leaders will all be aware of these issues. Their ‘mindset’ will have been configured differently from that of their elders. Environmental and social concerns will be at the core of all business strategies.

We are extremely happy and filled with positive energy thanks to all these wonderful meetings last week. The world of tomorrow is in the making. And ConsultantSeas is most happy and proud to be right at the center of this dynamic!

Marie Le Texier, ready to welcome students at ConsultantSeas’ stand at HEC Career Fair 2020