Brest Métropole case
ConsultantSeas, 2022
Conduct a workshop for restaurant owners in the heart of Brest to encourage them to reduce their use of plastics .
Brest Metropolis, Waste and Recycling Department
#2 Gathering and coordinating multi-stakeholder partnerships
Brest, France
2 months
Conception, facilitation and consolidation of a collaborative workshop for Brest Metropole, in the context of the “Zero Plastic” Charter for the food service sector.
The Urban Community of Brest brings together 8 municipalities and was created in 1974. It became a metropolis on January 1, 2015. It represents about 210 000 inhabitants. Its competences are defined by the law of 31/12/66 then extended by the prefectoral decrees 824 of 13 July 2006 and 1192 of 27 July 2009.
The INTERREG Preventing Plastic Pollution project
18 French and English partners are involved in this cooperation project to prevent plastic pollution in sensitive areas of the Channel. Brest Metropole is developing actions to prevent and improve the management of plastic waste on its territory, in particular by targeting sports clubs, restaurant owners, schoolchildren, the events sector and the population.
The “Zero Plastic” charter for restaurant owners
The Brest Metropole’s Waste and Recycling Department is leading this action. The objective is, in the first instance, to create a network of 30 restaurant owners committed to the reduction of plastic. This measure has been initiated with restaurant owners in the Port/Siam area.
- Suggestion of 3 workshop sessions and formats based on the objectives pursued
- Co-construction of a global schedule
- Elaboration of a detailed facilitation plan
- Facilitation of the workshop through collaborative techniques in order to foster collective intelligence
- Production of a complete report for Brest Metropole including action leverages
- Drafting of a summary for the restaurant owners
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- url=”https://www.consultantseas.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Charte-Objectif-zero-plastique-restaurateurs-VF.pdf”
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“The support of ConsultantSeas allowed us to structure the course of the meeting in a way that encouraged exchanges and created a group dynamic. We appreciated working with this friendly team who brought real added value to the project!”
Emmanuelle Herichard, Manager of the Resources and User Relations, Department of the Waste Management Division, Brest Metropole
Collaborative workshop conducted by ConsultantSeas for the animation of the restaurant owners’ workshop at the Brest City Hall – ©2022 ConsultantSeas
- A sectoral dynamic initiated to reduce the use of plastics in the restaurant industry, with inspiring testimonials
- Rich discussions in which each participant was able to express himself/herself
- Virtuous practices are shared and obstacles are identified, which can constitute solid bases for the development of an action plan
title=”hours of collaborative workshops with elected representatives, community agents and restaurant owners” number=”2″
title=”restaurants, including 7 signatories of the ‘Zero Plastic’ Charter at the end of the workshop, versus 5 at the start” number=”9″
title=”emblematic success stories with strong potential for collective deployment” number=”2″
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